This is the 1,000 Chapters Gallery Project: a collaboration between Dazzo and Philip Sibbering to collect up, and list, all the known canon and fan made loyalist chapters out there. Use the tabs above to navigate the Canon, DIY, and MIA galleries. Each marine image links to a chapter resource page. Most of the canon chapters link to the Lexicanum. The majority of fan made chapters link to an Index Astartes posted on Bolter and Chainsword’s Liber Astartes forum. A few link to fan sites, or a gallery of painted miniatures. Unfortunately some chapters have fallen, and no longer on the net, these are collected under MIA.
Gallery updated: 14 Dec 2020
This project was started by Dazzo, an old hand from many a forum. I met him over on the now dead Anargo Sector Project many moons ago. He diligently collected together all the known chapters; both in fandom and official GW canon to make a list of 1,000. Then he started rendering them up with Bolter and Chainsword’s Space Marine Painter and had well over 720* before I got involved. Apparently my chapters inspired him to take on this crazy task, and I hope others will feel equally inspired by his work. I had to be a part of this mammoth project, and I wanted to include links back to fan sites or B&C DIY Index Astartes (they have good formatting set up for that).
* first 400, second 320, you need to log in to see the original galleries.
Wanna help? If you would like to chip in some ideas or submit a chapter please head over to my Projects Page for more details. There is a massive thread over on Bolter and Chainsword that I use to collect up submissions. All the Space Marine colour schemes in this gallery were rendered up using Bolter and Chainsword’s fantastic Space Marine Painter App (v5).
Honour Roll: Dazzo (lost in the warp), Brother Cambrius (power armour artisan), Brother Tyler (Administratum).